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This was the


7-8 October 2024

Frankfurt/Main, Germany

Navigating The Future of Non-GMO Production: Challenges, Regulatory Outlook, and Market Potential


The second International Non-GMO Summit provided a comprehensive insight into Non-GMO production, from regulatory updates to market trends and consumer expectations. We thank all experts on the podium for their valuable insights and all participants for bringing this year's Summit to life.


A photo gallery as well as the latest press releases will be uploaded soon. Stay tuned!

​Read a full summary of the Summit here.


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The International Non-GMO Summit 2024 was hosted and coordinated by the key business associations in the Non-GMO market. 


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Monday 7 October

18:00 Welcome Dinner

Tuesday 8 October

8:00 Start of Registration


Moderator: Helmut Gaugitsch, Head of Programme Biodiversity & International Cooperation, Environment Agency Austria 


09:00 - 10:00 Intro / Welcome and formal opening


• Welcome by moderator: Introductions and setting the scene for the conference 
• Opening speech: Alexander Hissting, Managing Director, VLOG e.V., Germany
• Words of welcome from political representatives (video messages):

István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, Hungary

Silvia Bender, State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Germany



10:00 – 11:00 New genomic techniques and their impact on Non-GMO production 


10:00 - 10:20 New GMOs/NGTs: What is on markets and in development pipelines? 

Samson Simon, Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), Germany

10:20 - 10:40 NGT legal framework in the EU: What can we expect?

Dietmar Vybiral, Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, Austria

10:40 - 11:00 Exploration of audit strategies for NGT in the feed and food supply chain: An outline

Betina Jahn, SGS Germany GmbH


11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break


11:30 - 13:00 How to exclude New GMOs in Non-GMO value chains?


11:30 - 11:50 Analytical detection methods: Mission possible for New GMOs?

Odd-Gunnar Wikmark, DARWIN project, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, Norway


11:50 – 12:10 The Non-GMO Project: 17 years of experience with Non-GMO certification in the USA

Erin Auld + Pauline Lauvin, The Non-GMO Project, USA


12:10 – 12:30 The organic perspective on ensuring GM-free value chains: current experiences and future prospects 

Eric Gall, IFOAM Organics Europe


12:30 – 13:00 Deregulation of New GMOs: What do practitioners need to exclude NGTs from their supply chains? Discussion Round:

Hans-Peter Dejakum, Loacker AG/S.p.A, Italy 

Christoph Rathmann, Bunge

Johann Költringer, Austrian Dairy Association, Austria


13:00 – 14:15 Lunch break


14:15 – 17:00 Non-GMO market perspectives

14:15 – 15:05 Market update: Worldwide supply and demand of Non-GMO crops


14:15 – 14:30 Worldwide supply and demand of Non-GMO crops

Maxime Montserret, Bunge


14:30 – 14:45 European supply of Non-GMO crops

Bertalan Kruppa, Donau Soja Association, Hungary


14:45 – 15:00 European demand and trends for Non-GMO crops

Daniele Marcomin, Agribusiness di Covolato srl, Italy

15:00 – 15:05 Q&A 


15:05 – 15:55: Products, players, perspectives: The diversity of Non-GMO markets.

Panel Discussion:

Holger Buxel, University of Münster, Germany

Hans Eisenbeis, The Non-GMO Project, USA

Renato Inocêncio Barbosa, Caramuru Alimentos S.A., Brazil

Sybille Merkle, Lecico GmbH, Germany


15:55 – 16:15 Coffee break  


16:15 – 17:00 Non-GMO as a driver of innovation

Regenerative agriculture: How does Non-GMO fit in and what is needed to scale up?

Ruud Overbeek, Foodchain ID, USA

Achieving environmental, social, and legal compliance: the benefits of certification schemes

Kristin Komives, ISEAL Alliance, UK


17:00 – 17:20 Closing

Conclusion and Call to Action


Helmut Gaugitsch.jpg
Helmut Gaugitsch 

Head of Programme Biodiversity & International Cooperation 

Umweltbundesamt- Environment Agency Austria 


Dr. Helmut Gaugitsch studied technical and food chemistry in Vienna. He manages the work on biodiversity related topics, such as land use, agriculture, food and biosafety at Umweltbundesamt – Environment Agency Austria. ​


Speakers & Panelists

(In alphabetical order)


Gold Partners

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Gold Sponsors


Bronze Sponsors

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About Us_anker

About Us


ARGE Gentechnik-frei (Platform for GMO-free Food Products) has been a pioneer in the Non-GMO sector for 25 years. Founded in Austria in 1997, ARGE Gentechnik-frei is Europe’s most widespread Non-GMO labelling system, with several complete production segments (dairy, poultry, eggs) labelled “Ohne Gentechnik hergestellt”.


Donau Soja is a European, multi-stakeholder and non-profit organisation supporting the European Protein Transition with a particular emphasis on sustainable, deforestation-free, Non-GM soya production. The organisation is based in Vienna, with regional offices in Serbia, Ukraine and Moldova, supported by more than 330 active members in 32 countries and 24 European governments.


The European Non-GMO Industry Association (ENGA) is the voice of the Non-GMO food and feed sector at the EU level. It secures and supports the expansion of Non-GMO production and advocates for the strict regulation of old and new GMOs in order to keep untested GMOs from entering the EU food and feed chains.


The ProTerra Foundation is a Dutch nonprofit organization, founded in 2012, that creates a global network of companies that support more sustainable agricultural practices in the food and feed supply chains. The ProTerra Foundation holds the non-GMO ProTerra certification standard and related audit methodology.


The German Association for Food without Genetic Engineering (VLOG) provides a platform for the exchange of information in the production and marketing of "Ohne Gentechnik" (Non-GMO) food and animal feed. VLOG assigns the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal for food and the "VLOG geprüft" (VLOG verified) seal for feed.

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